JUSTICE LEAGUE starts off with vertically shot cell phone video. And you know how I feel about that. That said, it didn’t suck as bad as I feared. But it wasn’t as good as I’d hoped. Not unwatchable, but not WONDER WOMAN.

And I’m pretty sure I could see where the super-stache was erased. Lots of super powers and talk of wielding super powers. Why or why not? But I barely get a sense of the people inside the costumes. They are super-names and costume-fillers.

Like the Broadway show CATS, they parade out, show you their special thing, you say “what an entertaining special thing,” and then the next cat… erhm, hero shows their special thing. There’s not much more to it, except CATS had singing and dancing. In this, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, and Ben Affleck are all very pretty; so there’s that.

There are probably 10 movies I’d recommend over this, but sure, see it if you’ve got nothing better to do.